Our Story

Why “Canary Air??

Our company is actually named after the 5-year-old daughter of one of our customers. 

At a very young age, Caragh had terrible allergies; Texas pollen, 2 dogs, and a few big oak trees in the backyard only made the symptoms worse.

Every morning, she would wake up coughing up phlegm in the bathroom and doctor’s didn’t have much resolution other than “yep, that sounds like Texas allergies”. It was devastating to her parents to see their little girl feeling so ill every morning and feeling helpless to do much about it. 

They called Wayland about the situation, wondering if getting their ducts cleaned would help. He suggested an indoor air purification system to see if that helped with her symptoms. 

Within 3 days of having the ionizer installed, her coughing stopped.

The kid stayed happy and healthy with no major issues for quite some time, however, after a year and a half or so, her symptoms came back. Her parents thought maybe she had grown immune to whatever was helping her with her allergies and they were back at square one.

Nope. Wayland came and only the bulb needed to be replaced on the air purification system. Once it was fixed, she was right as rain.

Since then, the family joked that their daughter was the “canary in the coal mine” for their indoor air quality. Thus, Canary Air. We focus on more than just temperature, but your health as well.

We’ve heard stories like this time and time again; frustrated parents wishing they could do more to help their children. Sinus infections cause missed school, but often missed work as well, making indoor air quality not only an issue of comfort, but also relieving the potential financial burden.

With the shift of more and more people working from home, it becomes even more important to make sure the air you are breathing is clean and free of pollutants.

Call today to schedule your appointment – 817-304-5005